Monday, March 19, 2007

guilty pleasure

I love Costco! I can’t help my self. I know they put small independent stores out of business, they contribute to urban sprawl, encourage car culture, and ship their goods ungodly distances using up precious fossil fuel. All these things I normally find abhorrent. But, still I love to dive into my $7.99 giant bag of snap peas. And, don’t get me started about the giant bags of Cheezies, and corn chips, and the tub of salsa.

So, when you come to visit me and out of curiosity look into my bathroom cupboard don’t judge me too harshly, be comforted. Because I won’t run out of toilet paper and if you forgot your toothbrush and toothpaste, I will probably have one that you can have. Please don’t offer to replace them. Consider it my penance