Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Deep Sighs

I don't want to go back to work. I am sitting here at Cafe O Farol, sipping cha preto (black tea) and contemplating my future. I thought i would miss working. I don't. If anyone has any suggestions on how I could support myself on the beaches of Portugal i would appreciate any suggestions. I am even wiling to give up good tea to be here. Those of you who know me know that is a big sacrifice. Portugal is a coffee culture. My love of tea is a handicap here. Not as big a handicap as not speaking Portuguese. I think I would have more friends if I could communicate a little more clearly. Hand gestures, charades, and phrase books can only take you so far.
A note of thanks to RcSdC for having an unprotected wireless connection by the cafe. Please don't read this and take away my tenuous connection with the cyberworld.


Anonymous said...

if tea is your only worry right now i wanna be you!!!

Anonymous said...

well thank goodness you don't have horny to add to your list..