Thursday, August 09, 2007


We are off to a new place tomorrow.  Kunming was cool, but we did as much in three days as we could.  Treesa, Jerry and I went out to buy some toothpaste for Kathy last night and promptly got lost.  We ended up walking along a great river bank and had a lot of locals amazed.  I don't think white tourists end up at local markets very often. 
Today we went to a Minority Village.  If you can imagine a bastard child of Epcot and It's A Small World you will be able to picture what we saw.  Only we got to see Bai Nazi and a few other local minorities.  It was neat to see the dress and find out a bit of the culture, but the "minorities" didn't seem all that happy there today. 
One minority that got a lot of looks was the large white family.  We had so many people trying to take our pictures and talk to us that our guide finally started to move us on every time he noticed someone noticing us.  Jerry figures we will be sold in the night market on DVD tonight.  Not many of us make it up here so we stand out especially when we group together.
Saw Diachi(spelling wrong) Lake today.  It was a colour that does not occur in nature.  I have never seen anything so polluted in my life.  As we drove by Aiden asked "who cut the cheese?"  very polite.  Our pour guide thought he was serious and started to tell us that there was no cheese for lunch.  Not all english translates.  We will be out of touch for the next four days.  We head down the Yangtzee.  Looking forward to seeing it. 
You cannot believe how many people there are here.  It boggles the mind.  Every inch of space is used for something.  There are either growing something in the land or building something on it. 


Anonymous said...

it is my dream to live in a minority village where I am not the minority. Also, remember that Pepto is NOT salad dressing, no matter how pink it is.

"red panda"

Anonymous said...

I would like to counter "red panda" by saying that Pepto can sometimes be very tasty salad dressing. There are moments when it should be used as a multi-purpose condiment; for the safety of yourself and others around you

"pink panther"