Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Canada.
A new Irish Bar opened in Nazare this weekend. Last night Michael and I went there to have a drink and help support the new establishment. I was almost overcome with joy to see that they had cranberry juice. I have been looking in the supermarkets and corner stores hoping to find some. I've seen mango, papaya, pomegranite, and a variety of orange and apple juices, but no cranberry. That all changed last night.
To celebrate Canada's birthday I will be helping Carlos learn how to shake a Cosmo (martini). Vodka, Cranberry, Lemon/Lime and ice. If only someone would import Hawkins Cheezies i would be in heaven.


Anonymous said...

Hola hairy lady!
Especially enjoyed the story with the "Joseph" encounter - sounds like Michael got there just in time....I know what you mean about working, 'am counting the days until they shut down Robson for renovations, altho' we don't know exactly when that is yet,...its coming soon. Say hi to MVS!

Unknown said...

We've been here (Tenerife) almost a year and just found cranberry juice last week! How crazy is that?